Monday, February 26, 2007

Want A Better Life - Trying Planting Different Seeds

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Galatians 6:7-8

The Lord has warned us; we have no excuse. When we reap evil consequences and heartaches, many times it's because of the decisions that we ourselves have made. Sometimes we think we will be the exception to the rule; that somehow we can do as we please with no adverse effects or negative consequences. But then God's word rings clear once again... "God is not mocked" And so, just as He has said, we reap the consequences of our actions and decisions.

You see, just as God has ordained the law of gravity, which is absolutely universal, impartial, and very predictable so is the law of sowing and reaping. The Word of God says very clearly, "For whatsoever a man sows, that He will also reap." You can't plant corn and harvest navy beans. You can't plant tulips and get rose bushes. And you can't continuously so to your old sinful nature and reap a blessed and favored life from God.

The Word of God is also very clear in that we have a choice of what type of life we're going to reap by what seeds we sow. We can sow to our "flesh" (i.e. our sinful nature) or we can sow to the Spirit (God's Spirit). Sowing to the flesh brings about corruption and destruction, whereas sowing to the Spirit brings about eternal life... not just life in heaven forever, but a better quality of life NOW!

Not satisfied with your life now? Are you experiencing an abnormal amount of suffering, trials, heartaches, and trouble? What type of seeds are you sowing? My mind immediately thinks of a young lady named Brittany, who just recently shaved her head. What a terrible way to live! What an extremely sad situation she has found herself in! Is the media and everyone around her to blame? Or has Brittany spent a large portion of her life sowing bad seeds? "Do not be deceived, God is not mocked. For whatsoever a man (or woman) sows, that he (or she) will also reap."

My heart goes out to her. I pray that she will repent of her sin, turn to God, and find the true joy and peace that only He can give. Then and only then, will the pieces of her shattered life truly be put back together.

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