Friday, March 10, 2006

Outside Author Draws Bad Conclusions

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Gary North in his essay, The Foreign Policy of 20 Million Would-be Immortals, puts his very limited knowledge concerning Christianity’s teachings about the end times to use and draws, in my opinion, some bad conclusions.

In this essay, North tries the make the case that American “Fundamentalists” strongly support the nation or state of Israel for the sole reason that they do not want to die. And because of the certain passages in the Bible that talk about 2/3 of the Jews being killed in the Great Tribulation that is to come, then American “Fundamentalists” all have this “better you than us” mentality and care nothing for the Jews.

I can’t speak for all Christians… I can’t even speak for all Christians who hold to pretribulational premillenialism, but as for myself allow me to correct some of North’s wrongful conclusions.

1. Genuine Christians are not would-be immortals; we are immortals. Jesus said in John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son (Jesus) that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” As genuine believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, we have the gift of eternal life now! Therefore, whether I die tomorrow or 50 years from now or I’m taken up into the presence of God by Christ Himself at the rapture, I have life forever more.

2. Genuine Christians do not fear death. As the Apostle Paul stated in the book of Philippians, “For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain!” You see, those who true followers of Christ do not fear death, b/c death is only the beginning a much, much better life. In fact, many Christians… especially those who are suffering either from persecution or from a disease-ridden body, welcome death and even long for death. They long to put off this old, ragged mortality for the promised, glorified immortality of heaven.

3. Many Christians believe we should stand with Israel b/c they believe they are still God’s chosen people and He is not finished with them yet. In Genesis 12, God made Abraham, the father of the Jewish people, some promises. One of the promises was “I will bless those who bless you… and I will curse those who curse you.” And for many, many Christians, that promise is still in effect today. Therefore, if we as an American nation desire to continue to be somewhat blessed, then we must stand with God’s people. And the truth is, we are a blessed nation. But as a whole, we have turned away from God in so many areas, it is surprising to me that we are still as blessed as we are.

4. If that interpretation of the prophecy concerning 2/3 of the Jews is true, then it will come to pass regardless of what anyone does. I’m not an expert concerning the doctrine of last things. I do believe that my Lord and Savior is returning one day… I do believe there will be a “rapture” of his church (the word might not be in the Bible, but the teaching is!)… and I believe that much of the book of Revelation is still yet to be fulfilled. However, I can’t really speak on that specific prophecy at this time. But there is one thing I do know about prophecy and God’s word… if He says it will happen, it will happen. You can think I’m heartless, cold, or whatever… the Bible is very clear that God is sovereign and completely in control; nothing happens without His divine permission or command. Therefore, if He said 2/3 of the Jewish people will die in the Great Tribulation, then 2/3 of the Jewish people will die. Is that comforting? No! Is that something to rejoice and be happy about? Absolutely not! But God’s word will happen. Any honest person who has taken the time to really study the Bible and see just how many things have come to pass that He said would… would be a true believer. Those who haven’t, and yet still wail against it don’t want to know the truth.


Taylor! said...

"postmillennialist" what is that?

Taylor! said...

"millennial reign of Christ". what do you mean by that?

Travis or P.T. said...

Read Revelation 20:1-6

Travis or P.T. said...

Thank you, Mike.