Thursday, March 16, 2006

Marketing Life

Mood:Image hosting by Photobucket Grieved

Tonight I read an article in the USA TODAY that made me quite sad. In fact, it was the cover story and it was entitled, "Egg-doner business booms on campuses." In this article, the writer reports that young women across the country are donating their eggs for both research and adoption, and are getting compensated very well. In California, one campus paper has daily advertisements that read “Egg Donors Needed, $10,000.” The donors are typically female college students between the ages of 18 and 29, who are healthy, attractive, and have above average test scores. The really sad thing is that because many, many college students are so bound up in debt with the cost of living being so high and student loans and tuition rates being the way they are, this probably seems like a very easy solution for large amounts of cash in a relatively short period of time. And with new barbaric and immoral practice of embryonic stem-cell research occurring, which is the using of human life for research and testing, the demand for healthy eggs has only dramatically increased, and is likely only to increase all the more.

To me, this strikes at the very heart and soul of what it means to be a person of moral character and true righteousness. To think that woman-kind has been given the awesome and wonderful gift of helping to create another human life… to have such a marvelous treasure and awe-inspiring ability and potential inside her very body… an unspeakable gift from the Creator Himself to her, only for her to turn around and market it and sell it off to the highest bidder for mere money is extremely grieving and disgraceful. It makes me ashamed to be living in a day, when we’ll use and sacrifice the unborn for our own selfish desires. And if you think that I have this opinion just because I’m a Christian and a pastor, then listen to the statement made by Harvard Business School professor Debora Spar who writes about this growing industry in her new book, The Baby Business, where she says, “We are selling our children.”

I’m a very proud father of a beautiful and smart little boy, named Caleb. He is our only child right now; God willing it won’t be that way for long. But I just can’t imagine selling off my child to the highest bidder to pay off some stupid loan or to pay anything else off for that matter. And what’s a thousand times worse, I can’t imagine harvesting cells, tissues, or anything else from my little boy so that I might live a little longer or live a little healthier. When are people going to wake up and learn that death is INEVITABLE!! For thousands and thousands of years the death rate per person has always been and still is 1:1! Except for two special men in ancient history, whom God decided to take before they actually experienced death, the plain, simple truth that if you’re live now, one day you will die! So, why participate in such a cruel and barbaric practice as sacrificing our children for our own well-being?! Especially when it only postpones the inevitable! But the truth is, even if it did work great, and it had the potential of extending our lives by a 100 years, it still would not be right or even worth the price of sacrificing another human life, that is so precious.

May God have mercy upon us… and may the generations to come be better people than we are.
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1 comment:

Drea said...

Hey Destiny have you seen the National Geographic special "In The Womb" its fantastic. A local library might have it on tape or dvd... its a must see in my book. We saw it off TV.

I dont have much more to say. We did take the stem cells when Caleb was born from the cord blood. It can be used for great things... but to create life and then destroy it to develope a lung or something else to save another persons life isnt right.

Just because the child is unseen doesnt mean they arent a being... hey that kinda rhymned... hah...
Okay off to a friends house.