Monday, December 15, 2008

This Sickens Me to No End

You know something is terribly screwed up in our country when a parent takes a toddler or child to the doctor's office for a common problem or routine check up, and just because the child may have a small bruise or scrap somewhere, and immediately the parent is looked at with suspicion.

And yet the same time, Planned Parenthood is protecting child rapists all the time! This kind of blatant illegal behavior just absolutely infuriates me!!

Copy the following and paste it in the window (can't remember how to make a link)


Rosjuane said...

That poor girl should be taken away from her mother. If she isn't willing to punish and get rid of the boyfriend there is probley other abuse going on in the house. More than likely the girl is being blamed by the mother that she (the daughter) caused it somehow.

Shelley said...

my old neighbors had this issue.... and the mom stayed married to the guy. Such a pathetic situation, that can apparently be found all over the wonderful USA.