Tuesday, January 1, 2008

2008 - A New Year - Another Resolution, or Just a Repeat.

Well, it's 2008... another year has come and gone. Wow, time is really flying. Sometimes it really boggles my mind how fast time is moving. I hope I can quickly get to writing "2008." Something kind of funny about that happened to me about 4 months ago. I can't remember what I was signing or where, but when I wrote the date I wrote "2004." Why? I have no idea... all I could do was laugh about it.

So, it's that time of year again... time for new year's resolutions. My new year's resolution isn't really a new one... just a revived one from the past. I need to eat better! No, seriously... I really do. In the past 3 months, I have really let myself go without restraint. In fact, in the last 4 months, since Andrea and I have moved here, I have gained like 6 lbs. Of course, it doesn't help very much when you have a church full of so many good cooks like we do!

But what has really been getting me is a resurgence of fast food, late night snacking, and drinks (like Mt.Dew, Coke, Pepsi, etc.) Back during the summer, I had cut out all 3 of those things except for Sundays, when I allowed myself one free day to eat what I wanted. But the rest of the time, I was incredibly disciplined... and in 3 months time, I had lost like 10 lbs! I really did feel great.

But recently, I've really let myself go... eating burgers and fries 2-3 times a week, snacking on chips, chocolate, peanut butter, and really anything at like 9 or 10 pm at night. And I have virtually stopped drinking water, concerning which I was drinking a gallon per day back in July.

So, there it is... my revived New Year's resolution. I don't look forward to the battle, but I know I really need to do it! Pray for me! :) ... No seriously... pray for me!

1 comment:

Drea said...

I want you to eat better so are able to see our boys grow. I know we arent promised another day... but to live life not taking care of our bodies is just selfish I think. Remember Caleb and Taite and how you want to be able to play with their babies when they are grown.

Look at Ray S. in Ohio. Hes way older than you yet he is still able to keep up with his 100's of grandkids (HAH!). I want you to be able to do that :-) as well as myself.