Saturday, December 29, 2007

"Germy Bugs"

Well, it's 3:2o AM and I'm here typing a blog... why? Because of "germy bugs" as Caleb likes to call them. Last night around 3 am, Caleb came running into our room crying because he had thrown up in his bed and had to again. Well, he only threw up once and then seemed to feel a lot better during the day, though he still didn't have much of an appetite. So, I thought he was all better. But then again tonight around 1:30 AM, the same thing again... he came running to our room again crying because he was sick again. So, right now, he's resting on the couch watching Nemo and trying to go back to sleep while I type this blog (in a different room).

I'm pretty familiar with stomach viruses, especially the 24 hour kind. I probably got one once a year when I was growing up. Seriously, I had them on a regular basis. But I've never seen one like this, where you throw up once... go 24 hours nothing... and then all of a sudden you throw up again. (By the way, if you have weak stomach skip down to the next paragraph). And what really concerns me about this is the nature or consistency of his throw up. Not intending to be too gross... but his didn't look like it came from the stomach, it came from deeper than that... like it should have gone the other way if you know what I mean.

I intend to call the Dr.'s office tomorrow to see if something is going around, and if there is anything to be concerned about. I hate throwing up with a passion, so it breaks my heart to see my little boy hurting like this. I really hope none of the rest of us get it, especially little Taite. Things like this are so much easier to handle when you're able to at least partially communicate with your children.


gorethoughts said...

Did he eat bean dip or anything like that? Strange...hang in there. It is tough when little ones are sick like that. Rachel got it pretty hard last year. I felt sorry for her too!

Travis or P.T. said...

No. I think it's just a virus going around. Several in my family were exposed to it on Christmas Eve, and then we were with them on Christmas Day, so that's probably where he got it. Now, Taite has it too! :/
I'm praying Andrea and I don't get it.