Thursday, August 4, 2011

Practical Universalists

Sometimes it seems like the even the best of Christians can become “practical universalists.” What do I mean by “practical universalists?” What I mean is, we know what the Scriptures say, we know the clear teaching of Christ when He said, in Matt 7:13-14 “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.

We know that with our mind, but emotionally it seems like we can’t accept it, because deep down in our hearts we think everyone is going to make it to heaven somehow someway, especially when we’re thinking of people close to us. It doesn’t seem to matter how people live. It doesn’t seem to matter whether they openly deny Christ. Deep in our hearts we still believe that when they die, somehow they will go to heaven. Of course, this is what universalists believe, that everyone is eventually saved and no one is judged. But of course, this is NOT the message we read in the Bible, God’s word. The fact is, there is a judgment coming and there is a time when the patience and mercy of God will run out and we will be left to His justice and wrath. In fact, I was reminded of this truth this morning from my reading in Genesis 7. In a very populated world at the time of the great flood, 8 people were saved; Noah and his wife, and his three sons and their wives. Out of the thousands and thousands of people on the earth, possibly even millions in the days of Noah, God saved 8 people.

This should remind us that as much as He dislikes to do it, God will judge wickedness in perfect holiness and righteousness. To allow ourselves to become “practical universalists” means that we allow mere emotionalism to rob us of the seriousness of God’s holiness, the certainty of God’s truth, and the urgency to proclaim the good news of Christ to a dying world. If we are to truly remain faithful, we must not allow ourselves to give into “practical universalism.” We must always bear in mind that judgment is coming and man’s only escape is repentance from sin and faith in Jesus Christ. May God in grace by the power of His Spirit keep us mindful of this reality, that it might greatly effect how we live!

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