Sunday, March 14, 2010

Kid's Chore Chart

I don't know who's idea it was, whether it was mine or Andrea's, but either way I like it. Our boys, who are only 5 and 3 years old, already have chores that they have to do, some on a daily basis. The picture below is snap shot of our chore chart (you can only see Caleb's part). As you can see the chores are listed on the left side with a corresponding block for each day of the week. And each time they do the chore, they get a star. For example, Caleb's chores are cleaning the table (after a meal), feeding his fish, cleaning his room, emptying the dryer, making his bed, and taking out the bathroom trash. Because all of those are things that he can do. Taite only has 3 things: cleaning up his toys, taking out the recyclables, and emptying the dryer (b/c he helps Caleb do that).And at the end of each week, for every star they have, I give them 1 dime. I know thats not a lot, but I can't afford a quarter for every star and a dime keeps things simple. So, why are we doing this?

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Well, because I want to start early teaching my children about the value of hard work and about the proper and correct use of money. When I was growing up, I never received any form of allowance. And even though I know my Dad's reasoning (everything I had he provided), I still think I would have benefited from personally learning how to use, save, and be generous with my own money. As they get older, the chores will increase in quantity, and their value will go up as well. But for now, I think this is a good start.

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