Thursday, April 16, 2009

Insane Religious News Stories - So Funny, It's Sad

Story #1
The Episcopal Church defrocked long-time priest, Ann Redding, after she failed to renounce her faith in Islam. Redding, who became a Muslim in 2006, has maintained that she also remained a practicing Christian. She alleged that neither faith contradicted the other, but the Episcopal Church leaders did not agree, stating that a priest of the church cannot be both a Christian and a Muslim.

Story #2
Don't have time to pray... No problem, let the computer do it for you! For those without time to pray, but yet still want a little religion in their life... a website started right here in the United States, offers the soft apostasy of "prayer out-sourcing." Users of the site may subscribe and let the company's computers recite prayers for them using text-to-speech software. For example, protestant subscribers can pay $3.95 a month for a computer to recite the Lord's Prayer each day for them. The website also encourages Catholics "to show God you're really serious" by purchasing "The Complete Rosary Package" - for the small fee of $50. The site even has prayers for Muslims and get this... promises to point the speakers toward Mecca!

I promise these were actual news stories from World Magazine.
See for yourself at

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