I've started teaching theology to my son Caleb who is 4 years through an old tool... Catechism Questions. I just started the other day and already he has 3 questions down. Here are the 3 he has down so far:
1) Who made you? Answer: God (or Jesus, as Caleb says)
2) What else did "Jesus" make? Answer: He made all things.
3) Why did Jesus make you and all things? Answer: For His own glory.
Caleb is so cute when he says, "For his own glory." Now, I know that he doesn't get the meaning of all that yet, but that's not the point. The point is simply to expose them to the proper theology, get it in grained on their little hearts, and one day as they mature, they will come to know what it means. Catechism questions is a time-tested tool for educating our children in the things of God. Many great men and women of God have used them successfully for hundreds of years. And as a Christian father, this is one of my passions... I want to really educate my children in the things of God. I absolutely can't wait until they're teenagers and in the church youth group. No spiritual milk for my boys... their youth pastor better come with some meat!