Monday, February 4, 2008

2008 Pastors' Conference in Jacksonville, FL

Pastors' Conference 2008
I am currently in Jacksonville, FL attending the 22nd Annual Pastors' Conference. This is actually my first year being here. I've wanted to come for a long time, but never had the opportunity until now. And I must say that I have had a great time so far. For anyone wanting to grow in their faith and to do ministry, this is like Disney World. There are so many good seminars to go to... covering every subject from Preschool to Music to Administration. It is just an awesome learning experience. I have been blessed so much from being here. I appreciate our church so much making it possible for me and Andrea to come and learn. I already have several ideas that are brewing in my mind that I believe will greatly bless our church when I return. If we come back next year, I would love for more of our leaders to join us so that they too can be richly blessed!!

1 comment:

gorethoughts said...

Do you remember the New York youth retreat? That was a great time and I learned a lot. Remember the worship leader, you know the one that went on and on and on...ha ha...
Anyways, I am glad you are inspired. God is really growing my Sunday School class. The Holy Spirit is getting his way with those ladies as well as myself! Enjoy and God Bless!