Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Ahh.. Valentine's Day

mood: amused

As I stopped by the grocery today to pick up some roast chicken tonight for dinner, I couldn't help but be amused at all the men in the store scurrying about down the card aisle and around the flower table picking up those last minute valentines for their someone special.

As I thought about this, my first thought was look at us... slaves of our culture! The market says buy cards and flowers, and we buy cards and flowers. We're all wimps!

But then I thought, "But on the other hand... for many of us, I'm afraid that if we, men, didn't have a special day set aside for it, our poor, deserving wives would never get flowers!" I think I can speak for the male side of the human race when I say... many of us need some prodding and encouragement sometimes to do what's right. So, thanks Hallmark or who's ever responsible. :)

Happy Valentine's Day, Sweetheart!! I love you more than words can say!!


Gone Fishin' said...

Yes, I certainly need help in this area, but I'm very lucky in one way. My wife has worked at a flower shop for the last six years and is REALLY not a fan of overpriced flowers. But on the other hand, she does like overpriced kitchen utensils.

Drea said...

Ahh yes I agree :-) I think a husband should bring the wife fresh flowers once a month ;-) woo hoo hoooo! *Im not saying a bouquet or nothing.. just a flower or two hehe*

Crawley said...

Also, could you perhaps help me to understand what all of these differing views really mean to us and to the Jews? I had no idea there were so many... It wouldn't have to be soon, just whenever you get a chance to write an email or something.